Rotsen Furniture Heads to Brazil


Hello from B R A Z I L!!!!

We could not be happier than to share with you some in-depth photos, updates and details from Rotsen Furniture’s latest trip to the place that we like to call, Disney Land! To help our readers and followers to understand why we here, what we are discovering and the mission behind sourcing in Brazil.

Brazil is a land very rich in nature – it it characterized by high biodiversity, supporting many different species of mammals, insects, birds, reptiles and forests. Because the climate is temperamental in the South and tends to be where you see a lot of snowfall atop the mountains, we head to the Northern region where the climate is tropical, warm and rainy. This climate produces stunningly gorgeous flora, fauna and forests full of trees, separated by many different species that over the years, begin to fall or get cut down to be salvaged and re-purposed, often in places such as barns, farms, by rivers and lakes. It is here where we hike out to see the deserted remains of these efforts and find stunning pieces of strong, organic and extremely viable specimens.

These “leftovers” are beautiful in their own right and are what help to create the beautiful designs back at Rotsen Furniture’s Miami studio from scratch – relying heavily on the natural characteristics of the wood’s grains, color and texture to guide the furntiure pieces’ creation. Take a look at some photos from our trip so far and be sure to follow us on Facebook and check back soon for more updates!






We are looking forward to sharing more highlights from our trip with you – See you soon! 


On Key

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