The Top 5 Interior Design Trends of 2016

As we dive a little bit deeper into the new year, like in any industry, there are new trends and patterns to pay attention to that may be in the spotlight. Today on the Blog, I am sharing with you my favorite trends taking over the Miami interior design market. As Rotsen Furniture continues to grow into 2016, these are all design techniques and elements that we plan to see in the projects from our very creative and talented interior designers.



At the end of every year, Benjamin Moore releases the next year’s anticipated “Color of the Year” with hopes of a bright future for the special hue. This year, BM declared “Simply White” as the 2016 color of the year. We couldn’t be more excited because well, who doesn’t love white?! The most versatile yet simple color exists in every designer’s go-to bag of goodies and is such a great option for any interior paint application, from the kitchen to the bathroom to the bedroom, it’s the perfect color. White is also such a complimentary color to all of the beautiful wood materials that we use in our pieces and a common way to accent the typical Modern and Contemporary Miami home.




Gone are the days of traditional wallpaper. 2016 is the year for home owner’s to break out of their protective shells and get bold with wallpapers that are full of life! Ranging in different colors, textures, materials and patterns, wallpaper vendors are expanding their product lines to accommodate the creative trend. Take a look at some of my favorite uses of funky walls from these awesome Pinterest finds – hint: we absolutely love the faux wood patterns 🙂





Staying in trend with the creative use of materials, tiles have also jumped on the opportunity to bring bold designs to life! If plastering your walls with loud, colorful patterns and color might be a bit too overwhelming, consider applying the fun to your floors! Or tone it down a bit, and use these fun geometric tiles as a decorative design feature in a powder room or entry foyer. Get inspired with some of our favorite interior design applications:




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